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  • Acorns Sleep Policy


    Rest and Sleep at Preschool Policy  

    Created: 24.3.23

    Reviewed: 6.9.23

    Reviewed: 9.9.24

    This policy applies to all staff, including volunteers, students, or anyone else working at Acorns Preschool.

    At Acorns Preschool we recognise that children can become tired during the day and that it is necessary  to provide all children with the opportunity to rest or sleep during their session. We believe that every child’s needs are different and this is why we aim to provide flexibility and opportunities for children to take rests or naps as they need and desire.

    The purpose if this policy is:

    • To make parents and staff aware of our approach to sleep and rest opportunities at Acorns, and to ensure that children get all the sleep they need in our care.

    Acorns Preschool recognises that:

    • The welfare of the child is paramount;
    • It is important that young children get all the sleep they need;
    • Parents/carers wishes should be respected with regard to their children’s sleep requirements, provided that the child’s welfare is not compromised: and
    • Comfort blankets and cuddly toys bring enormous comfort and reassurance to small children, especially when they are new to preschool, and during rest and sleep times.

    In order to achieve the aim of this policy we adhere to the following:

    Rest areas

    • Within Acorns there is a quiet, carpeted rest area with cushions where children can go if they wish to rest or relax at any time of the day (Cosy Corner).
    • Acorns shall not provide dummies for the children, nor introduce a child to a dummy if they have not used one before at home.
    • If parents/carers do provide dummies from home they shall also be asked to provide a hygienic pot in which the dummy can be sealed when not in use.
    • Dummies are usually restricted to sleep and rest times. They are not encouraged at other times as they can hamper a child’s speech, interaction with others, and are a major cause of speech delay.


    • Staff are fully aware that children need rest and sleep.
    • Staff appreciate that children have individual needs and routines which vary as they grow and develop.
    • Children are encouraged to indicate and say when that are tired and need to rest.

    Parent’s wishes

    • The preferences and wishes of parents are always valued and staff work closely with them to ensure that each individual needs are met.
    • Any parent’s wishes will be taken into account provided these wishes are in the child’s best interests.

    Sleep records

    • Staff will record and inform parents when a child has slept in a session and state how long they slept for.


    • All our preschool children have the opportunity to sleep, relax or sit quietly at any time of the day, either in the Cosy Corner or on the sofa. We encourage quiet time after lunch sessions, including reading, board games or puzzles.
    • Sleeping children are monitored every 10/15 minutes during their sleep time.  A member of staff is present at all times with children when they are sleeping / resting, and other children are encouraged to play in other areas.

    • The importance of rest and sleep

    Acceptance of sleeping children into the setting

    In line with new safeguarding protocol, Acorns Preschool will not accept children into the setting who are sleeping. This is to protect not just the child but Preschool staff as we would not be able to assess a child’s wellbeing when left with us. Children must be alert and walk (where appropriate) into preschool.

    Returning children sleeping at pick up

    In line with new safeguarding protocol Acorns Preschool will wake all children fully before collection and ensure they are alert and can walk to their parents/carers on collection. This is to protect both children and staff so that parents/carers can be assured that children are alert and can move under their own steam when they leave us.


    Acorns Preschool ensures that all children receive the rest and sleep that they need during the Preschool day and regard it to be a highly important part of their personal and developmental needs.


    Signed:                                                                                Date: 9.9.24

    Pauline McCaul

    Preschool Lead