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    We have been learning to play the Ukuleles and how we can use chords to make different sounds when strumming.


    As part of Hello Yellow day, children in Sycamore learnt about mental wellbeing and even made their own sparkly emotions bottle to show how we may feel inside when overwhelmed with emotions.


    As part of art children explored the work of Nick Park and his use of clay in his animations such as Wallace and Gromit. Linking with our Geography topic, children used the techniques learnt to make their own models of volcanoes. They then painted them to make them stand out.

    Global Dimensions:

    Working with Willow class, children discussed and designed ways that they could help others around the world who were struggling with the effects of global warming. They then presented their amazing inventions and ideas to the rest of the class.


    In science, children explored how the process of digestion occurred in humans. They conducted an experiment to replicate this process in the classroom.