What a fabulous day we had at The Fleet Air Arm Museum! The children were recalling their World War Two knowledge as we looked at the exhibits, and we were all in awe of seeing and getting into the test Concorde!
In PE, the children have been playing a version of rounders that requires the batters to think more tactically and for everyone to be more physically active than in the more traditional version of the game.
In PSHE we are thinking about keeping safe. The children were asked to pass a gentle tap onto the next person in the line as fast as they could - after three attempts, this was achieved in just under six seconds. The children then stood in a triangle formation of one, then two, then four and then eight children and had to tap two children at the same time. The tap reached the eight children in under two seconds. We then related this to information sharing on the internet and how quickly something could be spread - sometimes without us wishing it to.
In history, we are learning about the Maya. We have investigated Mayan artefacts and considered how we could use them as evidence.
Some of the children have undertaken the Bikeability course this week. The photos below show the first trips out onto a road in order to practise our skills.
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