In the Autumn term, we had a very exciting trip to Wells where we went to the museum and learnt about Remembrance and WW1 as this has been our History topic.
Singing our Nativity songs to bring some Christmas cheer to the residents at the Glenn Care home.
The shoebox appeal.
As a school, we filled shoeboxes for children around the world at Christmas with hygiene items, toys, stationary and accessories.
We had a wonderful Diwali workshop where we re-enacted the story and learnt about the Hindu Gods. We have also made Diyas out of clay and used different tools to create patterns around the outside.
Our wonderful KS1 Nativity called Beep Beep Bethlehem where we retold the story of the birth of Jesus.
Science- Everyday materials
We have learnt about the different properties of materials, their suitability, sorting materials and testing them through bending, twisting, squashing and pulling. We have also learnt about John Boyd Dunlop and his impact on the history of materials.
Geography- Maps
We have been looking at different types of maps, creating our own maps and compass directions.
We have done observational drawings of sunflowers and pumpkins using a variety of different mediums. We have also looked at primary colours and have mixed them to create secondary colours. We used different fruits to natural dye fabrics during blackberry picking season.
We designed our wrapping paper by drawing it, then we practised our repeating patterns to then create our wrapping paper. We have also baked autumnal biscuits and created our own Nativity scenes.